Showing all 4 results

Nembe/Oron Crayfish

Neat/sand-free Nembe and Oron Crayfish. Ps: it is measured in custard

Stockfish flesh

Fresh Pure Stockfish Flesh. Here is the breakdown of our prices/per

Oven-Dried Mangala Fish

Oven-Dried Mangala Fish. Size: medium & Large Qty: 35-40 pcs Export

EFD8457C-D5D4-4931-82B6-7A9A52CA7675 EFD8457C-D5D4-4931-82B6-7A9A52CA7675
Nneamaka Onyia
Rated 4 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating

Oven-Dried Snails

Neatly Oven-dried Snails Qty:120 pieces Size: Jumbo